phonenumber +49(0)711 123722-0


We are looking forward to welcome you at our events.

05. June 2024

NXP Technology Meet Up Bilbao

Learn about the latest NXP products from NXP experts.Meet F&S in the partner area and discuss low power solutions based on NXP i.MX8ULP or the OSM standard.

12. June 2024

NXP Technology Meet Up Barcelona

Learn about the latest NXP products from NXP experts.Meet F&S in the partner area and discuss low power solutions with NXP i.MX8ULP or the OSM standard.

08.-10. October 2024

embedded world North America 2024

We are going to attend the Embedded World North America in the "Silicon Hills", Austin, Texas, the heart of the US computer and software industry, from October 8-10, 2024 Booth 2640 at the Austin Convention Center.

11.-13.March 2025

embedded world 2025

Save the date!




Nov 2016

Embedded Control Europe: COM with NXP i.MX 6 Processor and up to 15 Years Availability

Our British distributor Manhattan Skylinepublished an article on our COM module efus™A9. efus™A9 was the first member of the efus™ product series and found its way into many successful projects. read more...

Nov 2016

Qseven Module QBlissA9r2 on The Engineer

QBlissA9r2 was introduced on The Engineer. QBlissA9r2 is a module in Qseven form factor and is based on a NXP i. read more...

Nov 2016

CIE Advertorials: NXP Processor Modules armStone™A9r2 and efus™A7UL

Our British distributor Manhattan Skyline has published two advertorials in Components in Electronics magazine. Our powerful Single Board Computer armStone™A9r2 is based on an i. read more...

Nov 2016

Qseven Module with NXP i.MX 6 Processor

Our Qseven Modul QBlissA9r2 was introduced on Embedded Control Europe by our British distributor Manhattan Skyline. ➜ Read the Article Here[http://embedded-control-europe. read more...

Oct 2016

Manhattan Skyline introduces new QBlissA9r2

Our British distributor Manhattan Skyline introduces our new board QBlissA9r2 on their website. The highlights of QBlissA9r2 are: NXP i. read more...

Oct 2016 Product of the Week: PicoCOMA9X with Asymmetric Multiprocessing

PicoCOMA9X was product of the week on electronicdesign. com. read more...

Oct 2016

The Engineer Publication: Single board computer comes with eMMC, CAN PHY and additional serial interfaces

armStone™A9r2 is a compact and very powerful single board computer in PicoITX form factor. Compared to armStone™A9, it comes with eMMC, CAN PHY, additional serial interfaces and WLAN/BT. read more...

Oct 2016

The Engineer Article: Computer on Module with NXP i.MX 6SoloX Processor

The Engineer has published an article on our NXP i. MX 6SoloX COM PicoCOM™A9X. read more...

Oct 2016

Embedded Control Europe: efusA7UL - compact NXP i.MX 6UltraLite Module

Our British distributor Manhattan Skyline has published an article on Embedded Control Europe. efus™A7UL is another compact and inexpensive module in efus™ form factor. read more...

Oct 2016

Components in Electronics Article: PicoCOMA9X - Computer on Module with NXP i.MX 6SoloX Processor

Our British distributor Manhattan Skyline has published an article on PicoCOMA9X in Components in Electronics. PicoCOMA9X is based on a NXP i. read more...

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